What does Looking Glass do?

Our proprietary, Microsoft Word-based templates will walk you through the required elements of a rule-compliant brief. Our experts have perfected the drafting process thanks to decades of experience working with Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals briefs. We give you the tools you need—from formatting tools to guidance notes—to build a better brief!


Which template do I need?

Our United States Court of Appeals templates are built using Microsoft Word and include rule compliant margins, font, and leading. They also include required “section headings” and detailed guidance notes, drafted by experienced practitioners, to better organize the drafting process. Additional template features include: rule compliant margins, font, a pre-formatted cover, table of contents, and table of authorities (TOA does not auto populate).

U.S. Court of Appeals templates are built with Times New Roman font. Your computer must also own Times New Roman to use our templates.


What if I need help or have questions about Looking Glass?

You can contact us via email at contact@lookingglass.legal.


How do I pay?

We accept all major credit/debit cards and PayPal at the time of purchase.


Is Looking Glass a law firm?

No. Looking Glass is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice.